Rule change for some Seniors Card holders to benefit thousands

More people will be able to access a Seniors Card in NSW under the new rule. Source: Getty

It’s a happy day in Australia for some seniors who are set to benefit from a new rule change that will open up Seniors Card discounts previously off limits.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced on Thursday that all residents over the age of 60 will be eligible to receive discounts on products and services offered by businesses through the NSW Seniors Card program.

Currently, only seniors over 60 who work fewer than 20 hours a week are able to access the discounts, which include cut prices on a range of services including groceries, transport and phone and electricity bills.

Now, most of those discounts will be available to every single over-60 living in the state thanks to the new Seniors Savers Card, which offers over-60s working more than 20 hours a week cheaper prices on all the same deals with the exclusion of NSW government rebates and transport concessions.

Seniors who work less than 20 hours per week will not see any changes to their current Seniors Card scheme.

Read more: How to get the most out of your Seniors Discount Card

However, while it’s good news for 60-pluses living in NSW, those in other parts of the country will have to stick to the relevant rules in their area, which vary from state to state.

During her announcement, Berejiklian said it was time the government gave back to hardworking over-60s.

“Seniors give so much to our communities and every single senior across NSW deserves some relief from the growing costs of everyday living,” she said.

The premier made the announcement alongside Minister for Ageing Tanya Davies, who said reducing the cost of living for seniors was a key issue for the government going forward.

“We understand a lot of people are working longer and retiring later. The introduction of the Senior Savers Card is a way for the NSW government to give back to these individuals for their tireless contribution,” Mrs Davies said.

“The NSW Liberals and Nationals government is committed to reducing the cost of living for seniors through the Seniors Card program.”

Of course the announcement comes as NSW prepares to go to the polls, with an election expected to be called before May.

The seniors-centric announcement is the third the Berejiklian government has made this week, with the party clearly pushing to entice older voters as it gears up its election campaign.

Earlier this week, Better Regulation Minister Matt Kean promised new laws to force retirement villages to stop charging fees for indefinite periods, and to sell units within a fixed time, after residents leave.

The NSW government also announced that for the first time, around 130,000 self-funded retirees in the state will be able to claim $200 a year to help with their power bills.

Will you benefit from these rule changes? Do you think all seniors around Australia should be eligible for these discounts?

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