Would you use a mobile phone app to improve your eyesight?

How many times do you check your phone a day? Each time are you doing something productive or are you playing a game? What if you could combine both and enjoy better eyesight from playing a game… Would you do it?

This new app, Ultimeyes, is supposed to be able to reverse the effects of ageing eyes, just by playing a game regularly. Their marketing says “Why rely on reading glasses…and a flashlight to read restaurant menus when you don’t have to. ULTIMEYES® delivers sharper vision without glasses and dramatically improves the ability to see in dim light”.

The  app was designed by a neuroscientist at the University of California and is touted as an affordable, natural and simple-to-use interactive game scientifically designed to improve vision.




The game based app, developed by Carrot Neurotechnology, uses a technique called Neuroplasty to somewhat rewire the brain and encourage more accurate processing of vision components.

Branded as UltimEyes Vision, the game requires users to play for 25 minutes, four times a week to see improved eyesight.

Testing was conducted on University of California baseball players, who used the app a total of 30 times across eight weeks. The average result was an improvement in eyesight of 31% across the men and women tested.

The findings, also recorded in the Journal of Current Biology, indicated that the test subjects also reported an improvement in peripheral vision and that their eyes did not tire as easily.

While the testing was conducted on athletes with an intensified requirement for sharp eyesight, Carrot Neurotechnology believe that there are huge benefits for the average man and woman. UltimEyes is believed to assist with eyesight reading, driving and watching television.


Would you try to improve your eyesight for reading, driving or watching television using UltimEyes? Or are we relying on technology too much? Tell us in the comments below. 

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