Eight ways to save your iPhone battery…

Our iPhones have become an extension of our left or right hand, and many of us can’t function without them. The one annoying thing is that the more we use them, the faster the battery drains.


iPhone battery


This can be so annoying especially if you are out and haven’t had time to recharge it, but luckily for you, we have put together some tips and tricks to help save your iPhone’s battery life and make it last.


1. Turn off the Background App Refresh

The background app refresh is a new feature in iOS7 that is automatically set to “on”. This keeps all of your apps running the background even when you aren’t actively using them. This not only uses your battery life, but it also chews through data. To turn this off go to:

Settings>General>Background App Refresh and move it to “off”.


2. Turn off location tracking

Your apps including, Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook and even your camera are tracking your location by GPS at all times. You can turn off location services completely or keep it running for a select few like Maps for practicality. To change your location settings, go to:

Settings>Privacy>Location Services and turn whatever apps you would like running to on and the others to off.


3. Turn off automatic updating

iOS 7 automatically downloads new updates to your apps without you needing to visit the app store. It can go through battery life rapidly so to stop this go to:

Settings>iTunes and Apple Store and select “off”.


4. Turn down the brightness

When you have you phone at maximum brightness it uses up more battery when you are using the device. This can easily be changed depending on where you are and what you need. To do this, swipe up on the home screen with one finger and move the tracker along the brightness bar to your desired amount. Or, you can go:

Settings>Wallpapers and Brightness and disable auto-brightness and manually decrease the brightness along the tracker.


5. Switch from “push” to “fetch” email

This stops your phone from automatically updating email and instead you can download new mail any time you open the app. To do this, go to:

Settings>Mail, contacts, calendar>Fetch New Data. Click on the “push” option to change it to “fetch”.


6. Turn off Wi-Fi when you’re out of the house

If you’re leaving the house where you run your phone on the Wi-Fi, turn this off to stop your phone from continually searching and trying to connect to new networks. To do this, go to:

Settings>Wifi and set to “off”.


7. Turn your auto-lock to activate after 1 minute

By turning your auto-lock to the minimum time, you are saving on the time your screen is activated and using the backlight. This will save a considerable amount of battery especially if you forget to hit the lock button after using it. To go this, go to:

Settings>General>Auto-lock and set it to 1 minute.


8. Close unused apps

What some people don’t know, is that when you open an app and press the home button to close it, it actually keeps running in the background. To close these apps and save battery life, simply double click the home button and the screens will all shrink. Close each app by swiping upwards on it’s screen and it will close out.


With these tips you shouldn’t ever be stuck with a dead phone battery. They are all totally reversible so if you decide you don’t like running your phone on battery conservation mode, you can easily change it back!

Do you take your phone everywhere you go? Tell us in the comments below…

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