A classic Irish joke

May 26, 2014

Paddy was on his death bed when he called for his son, Paddy Jr, “Paddy go and get me the protestant minister” he told him.

“Da, you’re not thinkin’ right” replied the shocked Paddy Jr, “I don’t care it’s my final wish” Paddy pleaded. So off the son went and brought back the protestant minister.

Later the catholic priest arrived and met the minister who said triumphantly , “You’re too late, he is now converted to a protestant”.

The priest charged upstairs and yelled to Paddy “In the name of Jesus what are you thinking of, a strong catholic all your life and on your death bed change to protestantism”.

Paddy replied with a smile on his face, “Well if i’m goin’ to go, it’s better if it’s one of them than one of us”.


This great Irish joke was submitted by Irishman and Starts at 60 writer, Benjamin Hill. To submit your own great joke, click here.



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