‘My 80-year-old relative insists on texting, but I think it’s rude’

Worried grandma concerned that texting is taking over calling someone. Source: Getty

Teenagers often getting the blame for texting instead of calling, but it seems it isn’t just the younger generation who are guilty.

The use of emojis and abbreviations (or text-speak) is on the rise, and plenty of people prefer to use instant messaging services rather than make a phone call these days. Now, one disgruntled grandmother has complained that her sister-in-law has fallen into the habit – the difference being that the sister-in-law in question is no teenager, but an 80-year-old woman.

Sharing her story on popular online forum Gransnet, the unnamed grandma was left shocked after her family member chose to text rather than call. After missing a call from her sister-in-law, the woman phoned back, only to be told she didn’t want to talk and was sending a message instead.

“She did not want to speak, but was texting me to wish my sick grandson better! She had pressed the call button accidentally,” the Gransnet user wrote, adding that she was “amazed by the lack of manners” from the 80-year-old.

“This is not the first time she has done this. Should I tell her I don’t do texts anymore?” she asked.

A number of Gransnet agreed with the shocked grandma, saying they have found themselves in similar situations and much prefer to hear someone;s voice.

“I am the only person that my sons (in their 40’s) actually speak to on the phone. They just use texts among their contemporaries. I insist I like to hear a voice,” one forum user replied. “I prefer to speak to people instead of texting if possible – that way, much more can be said, and it’s a proper conversation. Text messages can be misconstrued,” another added.

But plenty of other users said they were happy that the days of having to pick up the phone and call were the past, with a number of people commenting that they preferred to text or use other messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. 

“I am sorry, but I agree with your sister-in-law. I frequently my s-i-l with just small insignificant messages, I do not want to get into long drawn out conversations on the subject, she inevitably calls back and we end up talking for ages,” one commenter explained.. 

“As with the others, it’s WhatsApp all the way here, with lots of family group chat and laughter, and exchanging photos. I love it. Also quick texts to friends that keep us in touch,” another said.

What are your thoughts? Do you think calling someone is a thing of the past? Would you prefer to call or text?

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