‘Cheer up’, ‘don’t worry, be happy’, ‘wouldn’t kill you to smile’ — when you’re feeling unhappy, comments like these can actually do more harm than good. Sometimes we don’t feel like smiling and sometimes cheering up feels like an impossible task. And when we’re living through the year that we are, navigating the stressful, unchartered waters of a global pandemic, happiness can — and has for many — fallen by the wayside. It’s important to know that, in many ways, that’s to be expected and that it’s okay not to be okay. But, as well as knowing that being happy feels a whole lot better than not, it’s been proven that getting a little more of the happy stuff in our day, (however small), can be a boost for good health. Studies show that happy people are less likely to get sick, are less stressed overall and can live longer.
First we need to recognise what happiness actually is. Happiness has a lot of definitions, but in general it encompasses the positive end of our emotional spectrum — inspiration, gratitude, hope, pleasure and contentment are good examples of positive emotions that all fall within the happy bubble. While at first it may sound silly, even just thinking about what happiness means to you can start to shift your mood. Below I’ve listed six steps you can take to lift your mood: