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Daily Joke: A software engineer goes to the corner store

Nov 30, 2021
The woman sent her husband to the corner store. Source: Getty Images

A software engineer gets sent to the corner store by his wife. She tells him, “Go and get a 1 litre of milk, and if they have eggs get six.”

So he disappears and comes back 10 minutes later with 6 litres of milk.

“Why on earth did you get 6 litres of milk?” His wife asks.

He replies, “They had eggs.”


Arguing with your wife is like reading a software licensing agreement.

In the end you just ignore everything and click ‘I agree’.


Two men were breaking into a high security software company. They couldn’t get their code breaker to work for the back door, so, in a last desperate attempt to short circuit the security, one of them peed on the access panel.

It began smoking, a couple sparks flew, and boom, the back door clicked open.

They looked at each other, impressed and relieved.


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