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Local mayor wants to pay you to move to Italy

Jun 05, 2017

Your dream of living in Italy could come true, thanks to a small village in Liguria.

The locals are worried that the area could become a ghost town and are offering people around $3,000AUD to move to the sleepy village.

The small town of Bormida has just 394 residents and the mayor is hoping to lure people to the charming area with promises of a simple life and cheap rent.

As well as receiving a generous cash sum upon arrival, people will also be offered a cheap rent of less than $20 per week. Imagine how many short black coffees and bowls of pasta you could buy with all the money you’re saving.

English travel writer Karen Warren says that Italy was the first country that really captured her imagination and inspired her to travel.

“One of my primary school teachers used to talk about his Italian wife and his visits to her family – it all sounded very exotic and romantic to me,” says Warren.

“All I could do at that time was read about foreign places but I think it was my first solo trip to Italy when I was a student that really set me off.”

Years later she continues to visit the country after falling in lover with her many charms. 

“Italy is one of my favourites – I still love it after having been many times.”

Bormida’s mayor, Baniele Galliano, has joked on social media that he’s going to have to learn English after all the attention the initiative has received around the world. 

People have taken to commenting on his post to let him know how much they’d love to take him up on his offer. 

“Would love to come visit from Laguna Beach, CA!! My daughter studied in Viterbo!” said Leah from California.

“I’d love to move to this idyllic area of Italy,” says Geoff. “I could teach English whilst learning the Italian language and improve my cooking skills.”

Would you move to Bormida? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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