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7 must-do activities for your first trip to Amsterdam

Sep 01, 2017

While the city of Amsterdam might be known for its Red Light District, coffee shops and picturesque canals, there’s much to explore a little further away from the well-worn tourist routes. What you may not know about Amsterdam, for example, is that it was built on more than 11 million wooden poles and has 165 canals that wind through the city. Whether you’re testing out your sea legs or your sticking to land, here are some of the must-see spots if you’re planning your first trip to Amsterdam.

1. Rijksmuseum

Image: Erik Smits

One of Amsterdam’s most popular museums, Rijksmuseum, is home to a variety of Dutch and global art, that spans more than 800 years of history. Paintings include iconic works by the likes of Rembrandt, Van Gogh and first opened its doors in the 1800s.

2. Anne Frank House

This is the place where Anne Frank went into hiding for more than two years with her family and wrote her diary during World War II. It’s impossible to walk through this museum without getting a sense of the cruel brutality that the Jews faced during the war.

3. Snack on herring

Raw fish certainly isn’t everybody’s cup of tea but it is a common snack here in Amsterdam. Keep an eye out for one of the herring carts, or haringhandels, and give this local dish a try.

4. I Amsterdam sign

A trip to Amsterdam would be incomplete without a photo in front of the iconic red and white “I Amsterdam” sign in front of the Rijksmuseum. So, after you’re done wandering the halls of the museum, take a snap and show all your friends that, yes, you were here.

5. Cruise the canals

With more than 100km of canals to explore in Amsterdam you’d be missing out on a whole new side of the city if you didn’t explore it by boat. This is arguably one of the best ways to really get to know this city. The UNESCO protected series of canals was created in the 17th century to protect the city from the sea and now it is a beautiful global icon as well. Canal cruises vary from luxury tours to hop-on-hop-off varieties. Take your pick!

6. Van Gogh Museum

If you have an appreciation of arts and culture, then it’s worth braving the crowds at the Van Gogh museum. The museum hosts the world’s largest collection of Vincent Van Gogh works in the world, including a series of letters he sent to his brother Theo, providing real insight into the man.

7. Get on your bike

If you live in a city that abhors cyclists rather than embraces them, then you might be shocked to see how many people cycle in Amsterdam. One of the most interesting, and often most photographed, sights in this city is the bicycle parking bay in front of Amsterdam Central Station. Make like the Dutch and get on your bike while you’re here. This flat city is the perfect place to go for a ride.

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