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What ever happened to the good old-fashioned taste of food?

Dec 19, 2015

We headed off to buy a frozen turkey for Christmas. I live in country SA so we don’t have a huge choice of stores. I was horrified, everyone in two of the three towns’ supermarkets was marinated. In the third town’s supermarket I achieved my goal and got a turkey flavoured turkey unpolluted by infusions or marinade.

I’ve noticed this trend with horror. I hunt through pork roasts only ever buying those not proudly claiming to be infused. I avoid pre seasoned roasts and only occasionally opt for marinated anything. Meat is expensive enough with out paying for the extra weight of the ‘value added’, their idea not mine, marinade or infusion.

A butcher near my brother’s house in the Adelaide suburbs whole counter display was a variety of marinated meats. I watched a young mother in our local butcher buy a weeks worth of meals with marinated meat for all but sausage night. OK some are delicious, but have you read the ingredients on the jars of readymade marinated or the mixed seasoning jars?

We eat marinated meat, our favourites are satay beef, grilled boned leg of lamb Greek style, all made with ingredients I recognise and not consisting of numbers and tandoori chicken (this one I do use the mix).

Are today’s kids going to grow up knowing the taste of meat or just the salty infusion or sweet marinade? Is it just me? I want proper meat back! Share your thoughts below.

Thanks to Barbara for sending this in.

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