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Leaving on a Jet Plane

Sep 13, 2013

Ann shared with us her “String of Bad Luck”“A Change of Fortune”, “Holiday on Hold”, “Trials of Technology” and “Learning the Language” and “The Final Countdown” article series over the last few weeks. Here is the next article in the series…

Leon rings at 7.15 am, singing “Leaving on a jet plane …”

I can’t get the words of that song out of my head, tomorrow’s the day. All the planning all the problems all the packing, dealt with. We’re going!

I took most of the day, yesterday to pack. I expected to wake during the night and remember things I’d forgotten but it didn’t happen. I guess I’ve been thinking about what to take for a long time. I do have a standard list, you know – phone and camera charger, medication – all the little things but this is the longest trip I’ve ever been on and I am determined to try and travel light, ha, ha.


Fortunately, everywhere we are going should be warm so I won’t need heavy coats or jumpers. I chose clothes to mix and match and two lovely Eco Diva outfits that can be very dressy or worn casually and roll up to travel well. Usually, I assemble everything I want to take, find it doesn’t fit in the suitcase, so cull, revise and repack – several times. This time I was amazed that it all zipped into my bag – a medium size wheely backpack, a bit smaller than the big ones you see backpackers hauling about – not that you’ll ever see it on my back! For once I wasn’t struggling to close it!


A few last minute things to do in the office today –  record a new voicemail message and an auto response on the email, trip to the beautician for leg wax and the hairdresser for cut and colour, then a last visit with Dad and it’s off to Sydney for the night, before our 6am flight – who booked that time? Luckily, Leon lives about 15 minutes from the airport, so two alarms at about 3am and a cab should get us there. At least as one of the first flights out, the airport shouldn’t be too busy.


Someone has told me I can do duty free shopping online and collect it on return to Sydney so that might be my project at the hairdresser’s and one less thing to worry about at the airport. I do love that feeling after you’ve checked in, passed customs and security and you   start to relax and realise you are really on your way!


OK, time to get up and make my list for today.

image: jaroas

Up next
Generational Divide: Baby Boomers reflect on a childhood worlds apart from today’s norms
by Starts at 60 Writers