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How long would you like to live?

Jul 21, 2024
Source: Getty Images.

The other day, a family friend suddenly passed away. He was only 69. I heard he was in good health, so hearing of his demise was a real shock. I turned 71 this year. 71 strikes me as pretty old. Yet here I am.

My brain is relatively intact and my energy level is still pretty good. Even though certain parts of my body don’t work as well as they used to, I can still get around pretty well compared to many people my age. I am on very few medications and although I have osteoporosis, thankfully, I can still walk.

But what will the future be like for those who are older and not in good shape? Healthcare is a crapshoot for many people, and there are rumors about Social Security, being obliterated, as well as other sorts of “entitlements.” So where does that leave us?

Many of us have worked for decades, hoping our retirement savings would sustain us, but will it? I’m not as confident about the future as I used to be.

We visit my mother-in-law in her assisted living facility and it seems like many of the residents are just lingering. What quality of life do they have and do they really want to continue living?

There are many advancements in the health field that are soon to come to ensure a higher quality of life and extended longevity.

At a party, I met a woman whose doctor does stem cell research. He claims that with medical advancements, baby boomers could conceivably live to be 125.

If some affordable medical opportunities like this were available for you, would you take advantage of them?

I know I would. I really enjoy living and I still feel like I have a lot to offer. I love making people laugh and writing about things that many other people do not like to discuss. I have a sense of purpose in so many ways.

If I’m in good health, and financially solvent, I wouldn’t mind hanging around for a few more decades, especially if my loved ones and friends are around to enjoy the time with me.

Perhaps in a few years, there will be real progress in affordable age reversal. Imagine ordering a new brain and you could receive it in two weeks? AI certainly has many new developments on the horizon which might make living much more comfortable for all of us.

Yet the future is uncertain. I can spend many hours wondering what might happen, but as we know, the future is uncertain.

It reminds me that I need to focus on living my life in the moment and enjoy every single day.

No matter how I feel, I get up, I dress up and I show up. I know that throughout the day, my feelings toward everything will probably shift and change.

A lousy day could turn into an ecstatic one if I employ the right attitude. As for the family friend who passed away at 69, I hope he lived his life with no regrets, and a bucket full of joy.

How do you feel about the aging process? Does it fill you with dread? Are you hopeful? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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Salad days
by Julie Grenness