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Young people are loving this baby boomer classic

Your kids might finally think you're cool!

They say that’s old is new again and if you ever wanted proof some pretty amazing numbers coming out of the UK today are here to do just that. For the first time ever sales of vinyl records have outperformed digital music sales, in a big coup for those who love that vintage sound.

It turns out today’s youth – or anyone below the age of 40 – are loving vinyl records lately and have been buying up big so they can play them on old record players they dug out of their parent’s house.

While digital music as been huge over the past 10 years or so, thanks to iPods and online music, it looks like the kids have realised that mum and dad did it best!

Vinyl enthusiasts swear the music sounds better coming from a record than a smartphone, with millions of them loving that scratchy, earthy, warm sound you can’t get anywhere else.

This week people in Briton spent $41 million on vinyl records compared to $35 million on digital music, with sales in Australia showing people are also buying a good mix of vinyl and digital.

So why are people loving vinyl so much and does this mean our kids will finally think we’re cool?!

Record store owner Chris Heard says while digital music will probably always be king from now on, the allure of a good vinyl record is here to stay.

“There’s some suggestion that this is a kind of a fad — I’m not sure that’s true,” he told the ABC.

“The most commonly cited thing about vinyl is the warmth that it has as compared to the flatness of mp3.

“Vinyl enthusiasts will swear that it is better.”

So many of us remember our first record and sitting around the living room with the family to play an old favourite on the weekend.

With so many options out there today and different ways for people to buy and listen to music, it’s nice to know that this old pastime is still going strong and being embraced by a new generation.

Do you remember your first record? Do you still own a record player?

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