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Tony Abbott finally gave in


Tony Abbott finally gave in: the GP co-payment has been scrapped.

Late last night, it was revealed that Tony’s almighty plan to scrape back money from us in the form of a $7 GP co-payment has gone bust.

Our PM has conceded defeat and the policy will be scrapped in the coming weeks, after calls by both crossbenchers and the public to stop tearing from the pockets of the people who need help the most.

This latest development seems mightily convenient given that Tony is still suffering in the polls. But is it a case of too little, too late? Even if he rushes to correct his huge oversight, will we be able to forgive someone who is so tight on the purse strings? What could he do to us in the future that actually passes Senate and becomes our reality?

From someone who said they would not be swayed, it seems Tony Abbott has been. I think it is a little coincidental that he will announce the scrapping of the co-payment just days after he received backlash on the ABC cuts. He won’t stop those but we will distract us with this abolishment of the silly $7 fee.

With election promises being broken left, right and centre, will this make you change your mind about Tony Abbott? Or do you want a leader who can lead and not bow to pressure? Tell us below…

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