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The worlds largest base jump

Sep 21, 2014


Afraid of heights?  Ever felt mildly curious about Base Jumping… perhaps not?

Well, this video showing the world record jump from the top of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, currently the World’s Tallest Building will put a smile on your face and show you something that undoubtedly none of us here will ever do.

The world record was set by this base jump back in April of this year, as the jumpers leaps from above the pinnacle of this massive tourist attraction.

The video above shows a BASE jump from the pinnacle of the 2,717-foot-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world, by veteran jumpers Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet.

Others have jumped from the building before, including a record setting leap in 2010 from a lower point on the building. The Guinness Book of World Records says that leap took place from 2,204 feet, 8 inches.

The jumpers set up a temporary platform placed on top of the building’s pinnacle for this jump in order to be able to break the record.

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