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Science gets in the way of your Mr Darcy fantasies


The site of actor Colin Firth in his wet white top in Pride & Predijuce is for many the iconic, and steamy, portrayal of Jane Austin’s Mr Darcy.

While the image of him emerging from the water has put a few smiles on faces, one professor is suggesting that Mr Darcy would look nothing like that.

The University College London professor of Modern English Literature, John Sutherland worked closely with Queen Mary University of London professor of early modern history, Amanda Vickery, to rain on a lot of people’s fantasies.

Mr Darcy, according to the experts, would have been slighter with a build more of a male ballet dancer.  He would have long hair with a pointed face.  They even had some drawings made up.

A far cry from what Firth was in the film.  However, who’s to let science get in the way of a dreamy dramatisation.  Out with the science and more of Colin Firth.

What do you think?  Do you fancy the “real” Mr Darcy or Colin Firth?  What about the many other actors that played the role?  Do you have a different picture in your head of the character?  We would love to read what you think in the comments down below.

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