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Eighties self-help guru Louise Hay dies aged 90

Louise Hay was known as an inspiration to the world.
Source: YouTube / Louise L Hay - The Universe Loves Grateful People.
Louise Hay was known as an inspiration to the world. Source: YouTube / Louise L Hay - The Universe Loves Grateful People.

You could easily say Louise Hay was the founder of the self-help movement. 

An American motivational author and professional speaker,  Hay died of natural causes on Wednesday, aged 90.

Her publishing company Hay House released this statement: 

“Our beloved friend and founder Louise Hay transitioned this morning, August 30, 2017, of natural causes at age 90. She passed peacefully surrounded by loved ones. Louise was an incredible visionary and advocate. Everyone who had the privilege to meet her, either in person, or through her words, felt her passion for serving others.

“Meeting Louise changed the direction of my life,” said Reid Tracy, President and CEO of Hay House, Inc. “Her passion for serving others translated into everything she did. Simply by working alongside her, an analytical accountant like me transformed into someone who became aware of the power of affirmations and self-love. Being able to learn from her has been one of my life’s greatest blessings. The beauty of Louise was that you didn’t have to work alongside her to learn from her, you felt like you were there with her, with every word you read or heard.”

Even if you don’t remember her, you’ll remember some of her words of inspiration. Her name is attached to many inspirational quotes like ‘Love is never outside ourselves; love is within us’, and ‘As I say YES to life, life says YES to me’.

Her first publication ‘Heal Your Body’ became part of her first book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, published in 1984. She claimed that mind power healed her body of cancer. Around that time she began support groups for people living with HIV and AIDS.

Other titles include ‘101 Ways To Health and Healing’ and ‘I think, I am’. She appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Donahue in 1988 and her books then became best sellers.

Have you been inspired by Louise Hay’s words?

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