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Find out the name of that song with this hack

That feeling when you just can't reach the name of the song in you head.

What’s that song?

There’s nothing more annoying or frustrating than when you’ve had a tune and a snippet of a song going around and around in your head for days, but you just can’t put your finger on what it’s called or who it’s by.

Whether you have the tune but can’t think of the words, or you have the words but just can’t quite reach the chorus for the name of the song, you can quickly drive yourself up the wall desperately trying to reach into the recesses of your mind for this little bit of information. 

As is often the case these days, there’s an app (or website) for that. Several in fact, so you’re spoiled for choice in ending your ear-worm misery!

Apps such as SoundHound (available for free on iOS and Android), and websites like allow you to sing or hum the tune into your computer or phone to accurately match it with the title and artist.

The only downside is that you need to be able to reasonably hold a tune, as unfortunately the technology can’t quite read minds (yet).  


Have you had an ear-worm recently that you just couldn’t figure out the title of?

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