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Susan Sarandon says ‘less is more’ when ageing

Susan Sarandon has shared some of her beauty advice for women over-60.

Susan Sarandon has been a style and beauty icon for many women over-60 over the years.

Now she’s shared some of her beauty secrets and she has a simple message for you – less is more.

Speaking to The Cut, Sarandon said she believed beauty was “about engagement and confidence….whatever you do that makes you confident”.

“Beauty products should enhance who you are, rather than making you into someone you don’t feel comfortable with,” she said.

“You find your own style. Don’t try to be someone else, not everything works.

“Just as it is with clothing, the more you can see the person, the more the actual soul of the person shows through, the better. You want to use products that allow you to be there when you’re finished applying them.”

That’s why she advises women to “lose” the things they could do with beauty products when they were 20 or risk looking “garish” at 70.

“You can’t get away with as much,” Sarandon told The Cut.

“It goes into the realm of Baby Jane. That’s why I stay away from coloured eyeshadow, unless it’s for a character.”

During her interview, she revealed she resents having to watch for bad lighting, revealing that if you want to look older then look for bad lighting.

“I’m lucky I started out as a character actor and not as a great beauty. I don’t have the pressure on me that some people do.” she said.

“I created a career out of being other people. Like Bette Davis, it makes it a little easier. But like she also said, growing older is not for sissies.”

What do you think of Susan Sarandon’s comments about beauty? Do you agree with what she says?

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