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Kentucky Derby fashion puts Aussies to shame

Kentucky Derby fashion at its finest.

Punters at the 143rd Kentucky Derby gave Aussies a run for their money in the fashion stakes.
Hats with flowers, hats with horses and hats galore could be seen and while most were probably useless when a downpour occurred, they served their purpose on race day.

We can’t help but wonder what a rose bigger than your head must smell like.

Who wore a giant rose on their head better?

Seems there was a bit of a floral theme happening on derby day.

There’s no horsin’ around for this lass!

This ensemble certainly gave someone, somewhere a run for their money (but probably not as this poor woman can barely see)!

We’re not too sure what’s going on here but we are sure she’s a fan of butterflies (just a hunch).

This woman’s face looks familiar, doesn’t it? Can’t put our finger on it but we’re certainly a fan of her fantastic hat.

Hm…wonder if he buys the lady in his life tulips because he’s certainly not spent the money on this getup!

Did she wake up one morning with a vision or is she hiding from a giant who’s allergic to flowers? Hard to say.

Even Miss Kentucky stopped by!

Guess if she can’t find a pen, she’s got plenty of feathers to fashion one…

Miss America 2016 sure looks a treat in this flattering ensemble.

Reckon he uses that beard as a scarf in cold weather?


Ok, so not all the fashion was on point but we certainly enjoyed the look of this guy’s hat.

These two have some ‘splainin’ to do…especially the guy in the crocs!

Losing the plot, one hat at a time.

What’s your favourite race day look? 

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