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Daily Joke: The canary contest


One day a man strolled into the paint section of a hardware store and walked up to the assistant. “I’d like a can of canary coloured paint,” he says.

“Sure” the clerk replies. “Mind if I ask what it’s for?”

“My parakeet,” the man said. “See, I want to enter him in a canary contest. He sings so beautifully he is sure to win”

“Well, you can’t do that!” the assistant says. “The chemicals in the paint will surely kill the poor thing!”

“No they won’t,” says the customer. “Listen, buddy, I’ll bet you twenty bucks your parakeet dies if you try to paint him”

“You’re on,” said the customer.

Two days later the man walks back into the store and very sheepishly lays $20 on the counter. “So the paint killed him?” asked the clerk. “Indirectly,” the man said.

“He seemed to handle the paint, okay, but I think the sanding between coats did him in”

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Daily Joke: A mosquito’s first day flying
by Starts at 60 Writers