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Adorable animals plus human ingenuity equals one great video

A pony is fitted with a prosthetic leg. Source: Youtube/New York Post

This video is going to hit you right in the feels, because it’s loaded with cute animals making heartwarming recoveries.

Derrick Campana qualified as a creator of human orthotics and prosthetics but says he discovered his “true passion” when he turned to creating the same limb replacements and body-braces for animals.

Campana, who’s known as Dr Doolittle in the US, has worked on cases ranging from Charles, a black Labrador with a congenital deformity, to Mosha and Motala, two elephants in Thailand who needed treatment after they both lost a front leg after stepping on landmines.

Campana, whose products, including one called a ‘Medi Paw’, are sold by Animal Ortho Care in Washington D.C.. is the subject of a super-cute video put together by the New York Post, which says his prosthetics and orthotics can be a cheaper treatment option than invasive veterinary procedures.

We dare you not to like this video!

Would you get your pet a prosthetic limb if it needed one? Have you ever paid for extreme medical assistance for a beloved pet? 

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