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Viral social media post uses lemons to help you recognise breast cancer


We’re constantly hearing from doctors that we should be examine our breasts for any lumps or abnormalities and to have them checked incase it’s breast cancer.

But how often to do many of us actually do that? And who knows what to look for?

A lot of women (and some men too) are letting detectable breast cancers slip through because they’re either not checking or not sure what to look for with their breasts.

But a new social media campaign is out to change that, and it’s going viral across the globe.

The Know Your Lemons campaign was started by the World Breast Cancer organisation, and as its name suggests, it uses lemons to help you identify any potential breast cancer symptoms.

That’s right, when life gives you lemons, use them to help you identify breast cancer!

One social media post going viral from the campaign uses lemons to show men and women what symptoms to look for.

Those symptoms include growing veins, retracted nipples, hidden lumps, dimpling, skin sores and indentations.

The image shows a carton of lemons, each displaying one of the breast cancer symptoms.

“Reocgnize something? Don’t panic, some changes are normal. But if it stays around be smart – show a doctor,” the image reads.

“If you find new changes like this that stay around, show your doctor.”

The viral social media post could just save your life or the life of a friend or family member!

Have you seen this post? Have you or someone you’ve known ever had breast cancer?

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