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Off-the-shelf supplement cuts 20 years off the ‘age’ of blood vessels

Would you take these kinds of supplements if they were made available? Picture source: Pexels

While miracle creams and cosmetic surgery promise to make people appear more youthful, scientists have now discovered an antioxidant that can make old blood vessels younger again – and when it comes to living longer, that’s way more important than a wrinkle-free face.

The research by scientists at the University of Colorado found older people who took a specific antioxidant could see age-related vascular changes reversed by up to 20 years in just six weeks. The test subjects, aged between 60 and 79, were given a daily antioxidant supplement called MitoQ, which reports said was a refined version of the natural antioxidant coenzyme Q10.

CoQ10 is found in every single cell in your body, with your cells using it to produce energy that feeds cell growth and maintenance. Matthew Rossman, the lead author of the study, which was published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension then picked up by a number of other health outlets, said the findings suggested that there was real promise the antioxidant could cut the risk of age-related hearth disease.

In the small study, 20 participants were used, half of whom took 20mg of MitoQ, which was created by chemically altering coenzyme Q10 and is available from specialist health retailers. The chemical alternation to the CoQ10  allowed the naturally-occurring antioxidant to cling to mitochondria inside cells.

The other half of participants took a placebo. 

After six weeks, researchers assessed the function of the lining of the blood vessels by dilating the arteries with increased blood flow. Each participant were left for two weeks and the two groups were switched, with the original taking a placebo and the second group taking MitoQ. The tests were then repeated.

Researchers discovered people taking the supplement saw a 42 per cent improvement in the condition of the blood vessels, so much so the ‘age’ of the study participant when judged by the state of their blood vessels appeared to decrease by 15 or 20 years.

Rossman added this kind of reduction had the potential to reduce heart disease by 13 per cent because of the reduction in oxidative stress the scientists detected.

Oxidative stress is the excess production of metabolic by-products that damage endothelium, or the cells that line the inside of blood vessels. When younger, our bodies typically produce enough antioxidants to stop metabolic by-products damaging these cells, but this process is less effective as we grow older. 

Another senior author, Doug Seals  said the research proved supplements could have a serious health impact.

“This study breathes new life into the discredited theory that supplementing the diet with antioxidants can improve health,” Seals said. “It suggests that targeting a specific source-mitochondria-may be a better way to reduce oxidative stress and improve cardiovascular health with ageing.”

He added, however, that a healthy lifestyle remained important when it came to heart health.

“Exercise and eating a healthy diet are the most well-established approaches for maintaining cardiovascular health,” Seals explained. “But at the public health level, not enough people are willing to do that. We’re looking for complementary, evidence-based options to prevent age-related changes that drive disease. These supplements may be among them.”

What do you think? Would you take these supplements if they improved your health and made your body feel younger?

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