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Natural flu remedies to prevent nasty colds and flu symptoms

Drinking tea with lemon and honey is one of many ways to help get rid of the flu. Picture source: Pixabay

Winter is a few months away, but Australia is already feeling the impact of the flu. With influenza numbers at a six-year high in parts of the country, health authorities are fearing 2018’s flu season could mirror last year’s. 

In 2017, more than 71,000 people became infected with the flu and dozens died. While getting a flu vaccine is the most effective way of protecting yourself (the government has released a free turbo-charged jab specifically for people over the age of 65), there are plenty of natural cold and flu remedies to try in addition to getting vaccinated. It’s always important to speak to a GP or health professional if your symptoms get worse, but these natural remedies can help you getting back on track quicker.

One of the most frustrating symptoms of the flu is the feeling of exhaustion that comes with it. A rise in temperature, constant muscle aches, pounding headache and persistent cough can make it difficult to get out of bed. Another annoying aspect of the flu is a blocked nose.

To prevent this, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. When the bowl is still steaming, place your head over the bowl and cover it with a tea towel. Next, take a deep breath in and inhale the steam through your nose and out through your mouth.

Eucalyptus oil can help cure a cold. Picture source: Pixabay

The mixture of steam and eucalyptus will help break down congestion and loosen up any mucus blocking your air waves. The oil will also assist in removing nasty bacteria from your nose and throat.

If a blocked nose wasn’t enough, many also experience aches all over the body. Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil can get you on the road to recovery quicker. For the best results, it’s best to stay in the bath for at least 15 minutes. Also try and massage your shoulders, neck, or any other body parts that are experiencing pain.

Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil can help you feel better. Picture source: Pixabay

It’s common for headaches to occur during a cold or a flu, but eating raw ginger or drinking ginger tea can help combat inflammation. Soaking your feet in hot water can also prevent a headache. The hot water actually draws blood away from the head, allowing blood vessels to relax. Rubbing lavender oil on your temples can also help reduce pain.

Another painful part of a cold or flu is a sore throat. Thankfully, black tea with lemon juice and honey can do wonders for this. It’s best to drink the tea hot. It will assist in removing stubborn bacteria, while the honey will act as an antiseptic and help prevent swelling and pain.

Black pepper with honey tea is also an old cough remedy that many people swear by. Simply combine a tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper with a tablespoon of honey in a mug. Mix with hot water, mix well and enjoy.

Drinking hot black tea can assist in removing stubborn bacteria. Picture source: Pixabay

Lowering a fever can also be key to overcoming a flu. While your first instinct may be to cool yourself down with cold water, this may not be that effective. Instead, it’s best to slowly cool yourself down. Try hopping in the shower at normal temperature and slowly turn the hot water over. Doing this gradually means your body can maintain temperature balance and won’t go into shock because of the cold water.

It’s best to gradually lower the temperature when you’re having a shower. Picture source: Pixabay

As stated above, it’s still a good idea to get vaccinated or to speak to a GP as soon as possible if your symptoms continue to get worse.

What do you think? What remedies to you use in your households to overcome the flu and colds?

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