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Healthy eats for stronger teeth

Jan 16, 2016

There’s no reason why your teeth can’t last a lifetime. But as you get older, teeth become more brittle and prone to cracking – one reason why careful brushing and regular dental visits are as important as ever. This applies whether you have natural teeth, prosthetics or a mixture.

Certain conditions such as type 2 diabetes affect oral health, as do some medications, which can trigger – or worsen – saliva production. Since saliva is your mouth’s natural cleansing system, now, it’s more important that ever to take special care to protect your mouth and gums.

Age is no barrier to a sparkling smile – here are some snacks to help preserve your smile appeal! 

Cheese and crackers/breadsticks

Hard cheese like Cheddar and soft cheese such as mozzarella are great for teeth because:

  1. They are rich in calcium, which is what teeth are made from. Immediately eating a small cube of cheese after a meal or a snack plugs the tiny holes in the enamel helping protect and build stronger teeth.
  2. The protein in cheese helps neutralise the acids from food and drinks, providing both protective and strengthening effects. As we get older, our gums recede which can mean that teeth become more sensitive.
  3. The chewing action encourages the flow of saliva, which is the mouth’s natural cleanser.

Fruits – apples, pears, melon and more

Yes, they contain sugar and acids, but fruits are good for the teeth because they contain vitamin C, which helps to strengthen blood vessels that nourish cells with oxygen and food. Vitamin C is also vital for strengthening the connective tissue, which keeps the teeth in place. It also helps to protect gums and other tissues from cell damage and even bacterial infection. This vitamin also has an anti-inflammatory action.

Try to incorporate fruit into your meals because the chewing action helps to stimulate saliva, the body’s way to wash food debris away. This is particularly important later in life as seniors are at risk of dry mouth, which is caused by reduced saliva flow which can be caused by certain medications. And remember to drink a glass of water after eating fruit to help wash away any acids.


Dried fruit isn’t usually a tooth friendly snack because the drying process removes water, which concentrates the sugars. Plus the sticky texture means it can cling to the teeth for longer, providing plaque-producing bacteria plenty of time to feast on the sugar and produce acidic waste, which can damage delicate enamel.

We used to think that raisins were much like other dried fruit but recent research shows that raisins are a tooth healthy option.

Like other fruits, raisins contain protective phytochemicals, which are effective antioxidants. One of these found in raisins is called oleanolic (pronounced o-lee-an-o-lic) acid. This seems to reduce the growth of two species of oral bacteria, one that causes cavities (Streptococcus mutans) and one that causes gum disease (Porphyromonas gingivalis)[i].


Peas, beans and lentils also contain antioxidants that help boost the immune system that in turn helps the body fight bacteria and inflammation. Try hummus with strips of pita bread/breadsticks or veggie sticks.

Crisp veggies

Crunchy carrots and celery help to clean teeth, massage gums and freshen breath. They contain a lot of water, which dilutes the effects of the sugars they contain. And, because they need a lot of chewing, crisp veggies stimulate saliva flow (which helps protect against decay by washing away food particles and buffering against acids). Plus, the folate they contain helps to build healthy blood, which delivers vital oxygen and nutrients to every cell.


Made with fish, lean meat, hummus, egg or cheese, small sandwiches for tiny tummies are a great choice. Canned fish like salmon is a great sandwich filling because it is rich in tooth building calcium and opt for wholegrain bread because it contains fibre, which requires chewing.

Milk – cow’s milk and soy milk

Cow’s milk is naturally rich in calcium as is soy milk, if it is processed with calcium. Although it’s a tooth friendly drink, always make the last drink of the day water, as milk contains the milk sugar, lactose. If allowed to stay in contact with the teeth for long periods, it provides food for plaque-producing bacteria, increasing the risk of tooth damage.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Both are rich in minerals including zinc and magnesium. Zinc plays a key role in wound healing – including little wounds in the mouth. Plus, they contain magnesium, another mineral which works with calcium to build strong, protective enamel that can resist decay. Lack of magnesium could mean that teeth become softer and more susceptible to cavities.


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With all snacks, try to wash them down with a glass of water afterwards. Water helps to wash away food debris, stimulate saliva production and most water supplies in Australia have added fluoride to help harden the enamel and protect teeth, too. And always remember to brush, floss and have regular dentist check ups, as cavities are more common in later years.

So by snacking smarter, you can work towards that dazzling and healthy smile!

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