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The power of essential oils

Dec 14, 2019
Essential oils can be a fantastic way to help reduce stress during the hectic Christmas period. Source: Getty

It’s meant to be a time of joy, but for many, Christmas can be extremely stressful. From jam-packed events, to dealing with the pressure of gift-giving, and enjoying a few too many drinks, the holiday season can be exhausting.

Essential oils are a great, natural way to help reduce stress over the hectic Christmas period. With a host of different types, essential oils have been around for thousands of years, but have recently gained popularity thanks to their incredible health benefits.

Starts at 60 spoke to Oil Garden aromatherapy expert Pat Princi-Jones to find out which are the most calming therapeutic oils and how they work.


Lavender oil is touted for its calming benefits and has been frequently used for insomnia, anxiety and natural stress relief. One study found that lavender oil calmed the nervous system – lowering blood pressure and heart rate.

Princi-Jones recommends adding a few drops to your bath water or rubbing your temples with the oil.

“It’s well-researched that scent can influence the way we feel and is capable of shifting moods, especially during the holiday season when expectation and emotions are running high,” Princi-Jones explains.


Cedarwood oil has been used for centuries thanks to its restorative properties. According to Princi-Jones, it can be used to ease tension, reduce stress and clear the mind.

“This grounding oil is calming to the central nervous system,” she explains. “A few deep breaths of this warm, woody base note will quieten the mind chatter and release persistent anxiety.”

Massage your chest and back with cedarwood oil or put a few drops into a warm bath.

Sweet orange

This powerful essential oil carries a lot of benefits for the mind and body, like reducing feelings of anxiety and stress and boosting mood, Princi-Jones says. It can also improve skin complexion, relieve inflammation, promote better digestion and lower blood pressure.

For a quick pick-me-up, sprinkle a few drops on a tissue and gently breathe in, holding the tissue near the face.

“Simply inhaling a few drops of certain essential oils can influence neurotransmitters in the brain, hence altering the way we feel,” Princi-Jones says. 

Orange blossom

“Perhaps one of the most notable oils for stress relief is orange blossom,” Princi-Jones says.

Orange blossom oil is said to ease tension, cure headaches, alleviate stress and enhance mood. In a 2013 study published in Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, orange blossom – or neroli essential oil as it’s also knownwas found to reduce anxiety and alleviate sleep problems in patients.

When combined with a base oil, such as almond, avocado or coconut, orange blossom oil can be applied directly to the skin.

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