“There are two kinds of perfect: The one you can never achieve, and the other, by just being yourself.” – Lauren King
Being our best. We all strive to put a positive foot forward in this world. In our daily lives, work or relationships, we’re eager to get things right. Often we fuss over the details, note the imperfections and then end up critique ourselves and our creations to our detriment, under the guise of making things perfect. Enter the slippery slope of perfectionism: the fear of making a mistake, of disappointing others or the fright of failure. In our efforts to be super-human we forget that we are, indeed, human – and because of this, we are not flawless. Life is not about being unblemished; it is about making marvellous mistakes, one after the other, as this is how we learn, grow and gain wisdom – which is the whole point of this human experience!
By all means, work hard to advance your goals, cultivate your dreams, improve your skills and grow your knowledge! Show yourself and the world what you can do and accomplish – just don’t sabotage your endeavours by being so meticulous, nit-picky or fastidious that they fail to ever manifest. If you are constantly struggling to create something perfect, it will never get off the drawing board! Stop competing, comparing yourself or idealising your view of excellence. Know that you are already perfect in your imperfection – and that’s how it should be!
What’s in store for us in this third month of 2017? Here’s your Motivational Astrology Forecast for March 2017:
We begin the month with Venus in Aries going Retrograde on the 4th. Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty – and in the sign of Aries can be a time of advancing our heartfelt desires and our forthright feelings! But as this “Goddess of Love” planet turns Retrograde, we have a tendency to re-consider our affectionate feelings – toward ourselves and others. We may become more critical, less demonstrative or not as outgoing in our emotional life areas. It can be a time to re-evaluate how we feel about ourselves and others – making adjustments and positive changes so that greater harmony, happiness, good fortune and feelings of love can flow more easily going forward.
On the 10th Mars goes into Taurus. As the planet of action moves into the sign of determination, much energy can be channelled into your goals to create the outcome you want! You are encouraged now to find greater determination and perseverance to take action. Cultivating greater patience, along with precision planning will help you realise your dreams. Consider what you value in life, realising that it is not just about money! YOU, your talents, your vision and your fortitude, is the greatest treasure you possess!
The Full Moon in Virgo lights the skies on the 13th. This is a full on-time for tending the details, getting more efficient and planning things out. Just beware of being too analytical, critical and perfectionistic – with ourselves or others! This emotional day is best used to get organised, get rid of the clutter and persevere on intricate projects. Weed out now what is no longer supportive of your emotional, spiritual and physical health. By letting go of the old habits, reactions and general baggage, you make way for a healthier, happier and more holistic you.
We can experience more assertive attitudes as Mercury moves into Aries on the 14th. Go ahead now with ambitious plans – your original ideas and communications will be well received. Make an effort to highlight your abilities and your unique talents – stop holding back! For maximum applause, express yourself in innovative ways. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself in areas you believe strongly in. Embark on new forms of communication in work to help encourage financial growth.
The Equinox occurs on the 20th of March which signals the official start of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and Spring in the Northern! As we change seasons, we are given a prime time for fresh starts, initiating new projects, releasing fear and doubt and taking on new exciting endeavours! We find greater courage now to overcome challenges that have previously held us back, as a braver and more pioneering spirit emerges. This is a great time to begin new plans and to consider ways of strengthening your self-belief!
Lastly, on the 28th, a New Moon in Aries encouraging new beginnings! This day is a favourable time for finding greater independence and freeing yourself from restrictions! Get your intentions sorted and make an effort to alter your routine. Start something today that will help further your goals, empower your dreams and bring you greater emotional courage! This is a time to embrace your inner warrior!
Marvellous March to all those at Starts At 60!
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