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Helping out your fellow human: the simplest acts of kindness matter

Aug 18, 2014

I witnessed a random act of kindness today. In this world of taking care of number one it has boosted my day and even though I am by nature a happy person, I have an extra warm feeling in my heart today.

I boarded the train on the way to meet with my sister. It has been ten years since our mum passed and we wanted to put flowers on her grave. My heart felt heavy over things left unsaid when she was alive so my mood was pensive. I took a single seat upstairs, but near the door and where I could see the long seats on the entrance level and read my book. My attention was taken by what was happening in these long seats. A man in a suit had his head in his hands, while another younger man was crouched on the floor next to him. The younger man asked him questions and patted him on the shoulder and back to calm him. The voice of this crouching man was very soothing. This went on for a few minutes until the man with his head in his hands removed his hands and gave the other man his medical history. “Must be a doctor or ambo”, I thought of the questioner. He asked another man to press the button for the guard who came within a short time.

The business man with his hands over his face was about to have a seizure. He knew the warning signs and that by blocking out the glare he could possibly delay it. He’d had them before, but not for a few years. The guard was asked to ring an ambulance to meet the train at the next station, which he did. It was about 10 minutes til the next station and all of this time the helper stayed with him, talking to him and keeping him calm. He told the man he used to work in the field of epilepsy so knew what to do. He got off the train supporting the patient at the station and took him to the waiting ambulance, then returned like nothing had happened.

The following station was where I got off. Of course I had to say something. I told him he was a good man. He said he used to work in that field so it was nothing. I said it didn’t matter as a lot of people would have just ignored the ill person even though they knew what to do.

What would you have done? If you see someone who needs help do you act or ignore? What are some random acts of kindness you have seen or do yourself?

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