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June Horoscope: Travel and adventure are on the way

Jun 04, 2023

Being in Sagittarius, June’s Strawberry Moon should bring with it good luck, prosperity and a spirit of adventure – making it a prime time to manifest your greatest needs and desires.

Sagittarius is a very gregarious sign – and this full moon is encouraging you to capitalize on that with adventure, by broadening your horizons in life, and making your life bigger in some way, perhaps through independent risk-taking.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter loves you to learn stuff! The planet may be teaching you to learn through formalizing study or through life experience, travelling to another country, or having more to do with people who are foreign or exotic.

If you can’t travel, go to a foreign restaurant. You need something exciting or different; variety is needed which is beneficial for spirituality and helps you to understand different types of people better.

Sagittarius loves to expand life, so you can expect to grow in many ways, including spiritually.

But just because it’s in Sagittarius, doesn’t mean this moon will only affect Sagittarians. Other mutable signs Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, will feel the moon’s force to a strong degree, and everyone will feel it in some way.

Mutable signs have problems sticking to things, so it may not be the best time to make decisions around commitment or lack of commitment.

Although travel could be on the agenda, wait until Winter Solstice has passed on June 22nd to take a trip.

Make the most of the wealth and good fortune surrounding you at this time, pack your bags and get ready to travel – but don’t take off straight away.

Hold off until after Winter Solstice– the shortest day of the year – is when you should in fact be staying close to home!

You might find yourself torn between wanting to travel straight away and wanting to stay at home or needing to stay at home for a particular reason. But you need to calm down and slow down around Winter Solstice, get more sleep and remove stress from your life.

Don’t take on extra work and look at your inner life. With shorter, darker days explore within yourself first and venture out into the world later… you should be integrating energies rather than putting energy into the outside world.

But after Winter Solstice, the days get longer and it would be time to start externalising your thoughts and adventurous spirit and begin that trip!

After the winter solstice things will start to move forward again and you will start to feel more energetic. If you make a decision before that date and act upon it, you may find that you run out of energy or perhaps even regret it later.

It’s always better to work with the seasons and as the long days come, you can do more and more.

Full moons also bring with them turbulence – which is why it was important to think about the dates of your upcoming travel and to plan appropriately. 

Another reason not to jump aboard the travel boat quite yet is because Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde (appear like they are going backwards) at the moment. 

Retrograding planets cause energies to become more internalised so it’s hard to get things done in the outside world.

Saturn could bring internal restrictions; Neptune could bring confusion or delusion whilst Pluto often ends a cycle so that a new cycle can begin later.

Your focus should be internalised at this time… three retrograding planets means you do not have all your energy available externally therefore slowing you down somewhat in the external world whether that be travelling or taking on new projects.

The month also starts off with huge challenges for many people due to double and triple T-Squares in the first half of the zodiac signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. 

Even more challenging but transformational are Grand Crosses for Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Many people will feel all sorts of energies rising up within them and they will have to deal with these as they release. This brings a sense of challenge or tension, so don’t make it worse by taking on more things. If you can take holidays from work, take them, so these energies don’t burst out of your subconscious and create unwanted drama.

The good news is that this arduous beginning to June will soon be over as the Moon moves very quickly away from these T-Square and Grand Cross astrological aspect patterns. 

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Things can then settle down somewhat and you may feel transformed in some new way, especially after the Winter Solstice on the 22nd.

June’s Full Moon horoscopes:

Despite a bumpy start to the month, things calm down eventually. Initially, there could be challenges in expanding your horizons through travel, study or spirituality. Even if the full moon also gives you a shake, this is likely to spur you into action, so ultimately life expansion is the name of the game for you.

Saturn and the moon aren’t good friends so authority figures or obstacles can present temporary hindrances to your plans. Be careful scheduling appointments as Saturn rules over time. You may find you have too many things to do in a short time, so extra advanced planning helps.

You probably need some new air in your life, so make plans for later to get out and about more. Through walls that confine, growth takes its prime, limitations embrace give transformation in time.

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Sharing your resources and attention with others could start the month. If you do this with an open heart, you can avoid some issues concerning those shared resources. However, things like taxes, superannuation, wills or inheritances could still come up. You may need to tweak your plans here as there are some likely restrictions that need attention.

Although you could be feeling quite expansive, early in the month is not the best time for investments. Maybe do some planning and wait until after the 23rd.

Regarding intimacy with another, ‘beneath Luna’s glow, a radiant tune, full moon’s embrace, reveals souls in bloom’. Allow yourself to open up to a special person and you might be surprised about where this leads.

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Your committed relationships are important to you and the month starts with the opportunity for relationship transformation! Some changes are likely and if you’re proactive in communications, you can improve a situation. This is true for you – ‘in union’s embrace, connections thrive, clear communication keeps relationships alive’.

Your ruler Mercury does a dance with Uranus, so unpredictable communications may ensue especially if you’ve been unconscious about a situation.

Pay attention to your dreams and the little clues that flash across your brain when you’re not really paying attention. Your subconscious wants to give you a message. You could also receive surprising messages or events later in the month which could turn out quite positive.

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Your ruler the full moon is likely to add to the general chaos at work or in your daily routine. Can you put anything important off until later in the month? It could be a case of matters being ‘all over the show!’ meaning that situations are going in unanticipated directions. Remember this thought – ‘routine disrupted, unexpected surprise! Adapt and adjust is growth in disguise’. Despite whatever confusion or how flustered you may feel, you do have the power to adjust to any turmoil later.

You could also be looking at a health or well-being issue that may need time to sort. So, allow yourself the luxury of time to come up with new ideas and approaches to old problems. It’s possible that others may assist you with these issues. Adjust your daily life to the new changes coming soon.


Transformation in love, creativity and childlike fun is possible soon. You may need to make some space however for these new opportunities to come in. Perhaps issues with friends or groups get in the way, so you reevaluate your contact list.

It’s time to ‘release the past’s hold, embrace the unknown, open heart and mind – let new seeds be sown’. Destiny is calling you so get out n about to meet new people and let go of the past as new opportunities present.

Leisure and pleasure can be your solution to any issues around shared resources including taxes, loans or superannuation. Wills or inheritances could also be involved. Your ruler the sun isn’t happy at the start of the month, but this will improve soon!


Sometimes, you’re your own worst enemy… the never-ending self-criticism, the perfectionism and general nit-picking. Stop it now! The truth is that you’re probably a fine human in the art of becoming! No one is perfect and we’re all works in progress. You can probably enjoy some care and attention from family or friends this month because home and family are where your heart is!

Some of your friends are also like family too, so don’t keep them on the outer, invite them in! Entertain at home, and pay some attention to home details too. Schedule some time for ‘friends and family, cherished and dear, home’s warmth embraces, love sincere’. This could particularly involve women, especially those you may have had disagreements with early in the month… all will be well.


You could be feeling more sensitive now, so don’t allow any criticism to get you down at the start of the month especially. Saturn’s hard influence could be a bit narky, especially around work or health matters. Keep your communications clear, positive and structured so that ‘boundaries are set, communication takes flight, limitations dissolve then connections burn bright’. Take note… please set appropriate boundaries and gently pull up those who seek to ignore them.

You can improve your communication skills by being honest and appropriately open to change. Business or promotional ideas are likely. Your ruler Venus makes beautiful music with Mars especially in career or with groups. You could have flashes of brilliance and study, or local errands could also be rather positively affected.


Watch your spending this month as there could be unexpected expenses early in the month when the full moon gives you a bit of a shakeup. Also, the things you value could also undergo change, especially around your life priorities. Early in the month is not a good time for investments or large financial outlays, so put off purchasing any large items until later.

Keep your ‘eye on the money honey!’ and remember that ‘coins clink, fortunes rearrange, money’s dance is a world of change’. It’s best to be financially patient now.

Also watch for self-criticism, especially about your finances… this is not going to help matters. It’s preferable to look to practical solutions and think logically instead of beating yourself up. You may need to curtail leisure and pleasure just for a bit.


The full moon in your sign is smiling at you! You could be feeling extra adventurous and perhaps you’re thinking about travel, study or spirituality now. There could be some ructions with family or perhaps something at home is keeping you put… for the moment that is! Later in the month, you can put your plans into action.

It’s possible you’ll want to change your identity in some way – new hair, clothes or makeup could be on your agenda also. The full moon wants you to approach the world with more authenticity and is also encouraging you to be more of who you really are.

This is a good thing – more ‘adventure, exploration and freedom unbound; Sagittarius seeks knowledge with optimism renowned!’ A new cycle is beginning for you!


It’s time to look within, especially in early June. You may be experiencing some weirdness in your life, or you could be having all manner of strange dreams.

Also, little flashes of past situations which may be emotional could come up. Go within and pay attention to your subconscious energies… what is coming up for you? Are you becoming aware of any self-criticism? Any old records from the past… are they playing now? These energies are as valid as your thinking.

It’s time to ‘delve into the depths, the subconscious reveals, inner wisdom blossoms – profound and surreal’. You may be surprised at what sunken treasures you can find deep within. So, take some time in solitude without the distractions of phone and home.


Hey, there Aquarius… have you got your head in the clouds? Issues may arise as you could be more detached than usual. It’s not a negative thing – these moments of self-reverie.

It’s just that your friends and associates wish to communicate with you! My best advice is to keep one foot firmly on the planet and the other in Spirit as you contemplate your navel. Opportunities are likely to abound to meet new people or perhaps get involved with new groups. These opportunities can help you to expand your life in some way.

Get the balance right ‘in solitude’s embrace, self- reverie’s delight – open to connections, new souls ignite’. You can advance your hopes and dreams later this month. 


Although you may desire more privacy, your life or career could become more public this month. There could be some tension early in the month with particular challenges regarding a parent or authority figures. Women could be involved, particularly your mother. Career matters could also be challenging so make sure everything is in order to avoid even more ensuing chaos.

Uranus is also playing his hand with the full moon, so unpredictable situations also arise in communications, marketing, learning or in your local area. A distant relative may also crop up unexpectedly. Go slowly and carefully because ‘through unexpected turns, fate takes its cue, long-term blessings emerge bringing positive breakthroughs’.

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