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Do you need a coffee to get you going in the morning?

Coffee is loaded with plenty of antioxidants and nutrients. Source: Pexels

Whether you brew it at home, are happy with instant or pick up one on-the-go, without a morning fix of caffeine, some of us tend to get a little antsy.

Like most things, if consumed in moderation, coffee is pretty healthy – it offers plenty of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients. But in excess, caffeine, which is a stimulant, can cause problems for some people including disrupted sleep, anxiety, headaches, dehydration and increased blood pressure. 

According to various studies, four to five cups a day is the upper limit on how much coffee you should consume in a day. But how much do you get through? 

Do you need a coffee to get you going in the morning? How do you take your coffee?

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