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An old lady lives there… or does she?

Aug 28, 2013

Tired of feeling like a Senior Citizen?  Might be time to rebel like we used to as teenagers… Get back some fun in life.  Imagine you are a seventeen year old and do something you shouldn’t.  What did you get up to that got you in trouble? 

I have been living the quiet life, you know, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother…. crocheting, gardening, family gatherings, occasional baby-sitting, all the usual stuff.

Well, recently a couple of little girls (one who lives next door) happened to be riding their bikes along the footpath out front, when the visiting girl started to ride into my driveway by mistake.  I, was standing near the front door, heard the other say, “not in there, an old lady lives there”… I thought for a moment… what’s she on about?

There’s no old lady in here… then the horrible truth hit me… I am an OLD lady!

After contemplating this for some time, I came to the conclusion that I may be old… but I will never think old, after all, I can try to remain young by thought and actions!

So, much to my family’s amusement and occasional horror, I have started wearing younger, fashionable clothes. I am wearing my hair longer, (Loretta Lynn’s hairstyle is a favourite to work to). I’ve roped a couple of friends into coming dancing  fortnightly.  I practice jiving at home alone, the door handle is my partner. Also I’ve taken up painting, (just self-taught at this stage) and have a few nudes hanging in the lounge!

I have lots more in the pipe-line too.  My new motto is, forget age and don’t worry what other people think just do your own thing. Needless to say, life is exciting and now I’m really looking forward to the future.

A TIP!  A lovely thing to do is to get onto YouTube and play all the songs that were your favourites in your teenage years, it makes the years slip away and you’ll be tapping your feet in no time! Woohoo, my Seventeen year old self is gradually coming back, at least when I need her to!

So… what did you get up to that got you in trouble when you were young? 


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