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Line dancing on the street while social distancing in a retirement village

Mar 27, 2020

A bit of light fun for dark times.  The retirement community residents in The Village Retirement Group have taken social distancing to a whole new level this week.  Residents took their weekly line dancing class on the footpaths and driveways outside each person’s home, spaced out along the street a suitable distance not to place each other at any health risk.

The Village team said proudly, “the Village Taigum residents are showing us all we can stay positive and active while practicing social distancing.”

The Village group placed their facilities in a voluntary shutdown this week, stopping visitors, in concern for their community’s health during the Covid-19 crisis that has caused more than 3000 cases in Australia so far.

Social distancing means separating yourself from other people as much as possible when you’re in public places and avoiding crowded places. The aim of social distancing is to reduce transmission of infectious diseases.

The department of health suggests that all people at this time try to use the following social distancing standards:

  • Attempting to keep a distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and other people.
  • Avoiding crowds and large public gatherings.
  • Avoiding shaking hands, hugging, or kissing other people.
  • Minimising visits to vulnerable people, such as those in aged care facilities or hospitals, infants, or people with compromised immune systems due to illness or medical treatment.
  • Keeping connected with others, including colleagues, friends and family, through phone, email, social media, and online work platforms when possible.

These measures should be used if you are well. If you are unwell, you should stay at home.

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