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Say goodbye to financial worries — here’s how you can win $800k

Source: Deaf Lottery
Source: Deaf Lottery

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without financial worries? Imagine waking up debt-free, jet-setting across the globe with your loved ones, or investing in a future filled with endless possibilities.

The Deaf Lottery’s latest draw is giving you the chance to win an incredible $800,000 — a life-changing prize that could turn your dreams into reality. Just picture the possibilities with that amount of money—traveling the world, making smart investments, or simply unwinding in peace.

“It’s created more of a lifestyle for us now. If we want to go on holiday, we can just go. Harvey won’t have to work seven days a week anymore. It gives us both the ability to balance work and life better, while still doing what we love,” says Annie*, the winner from Draw 216.

Sometimes a split-second moment can lead to a bigger possibility. A trip of a lifetime could be funded with winnings, just like the Draw 216 winner.

If you’re looking to make your retirement dreams come true — whether it’s living more comfortably, taking a cross-country road trip, or spoiling your loved ones — Draw 220 is now open!

“Last year was special—our whole family went, and Harvey and our son, Ben, raced together. This year, we’ll be doing the same, but without the pressure of having to leave so soon. I can’t wait to make a holiday out of it – we couldn’t be more excited,” says Annie*.

Click here to get a quick breakdown of the prizes you could win!

Imagine having the ability to build, renovate or buy a house like this. Deaf Lottery is the only lottery in Australia that lets you tailor your own prize package.

“I’ve spent every spare moment finding the best holiday destinations for the end of the year. I can’t wait—it’s such a huge deal for us!” says Tom*, the winner from Draw 215.

Draw 220 will close on Sunday 16 March 2025, with the drawing on Thursday 20 March 2025. Since this is a closed lottery, only a limited number of tickets are available. Be sure to secure tickets quickly!

To take part, simply click here to purchase a ticket for as low as $2. For the best value and increased chances of winning the grand prize, ticket bundles of 15, 25, or 50 should be considered. 

*Name has been changed.

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How to build a meaningful financial legacy for your grandchildren in 2025
by Nick Bruining