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Your say: Is this some honest politics for once?



In the last week, we’ve heard quite a lot about the championing of medicinal marijuana for terminally ill patients in the media. Mainly by the New South Wales Premier, Mike Baird.

But, now we know why. Mr Baird has admitted to using the substance for recreation when he was younger.

According to the Daily Telegraph he said, We’ve all been young, so I’m not going to deny I did experiment in my youth.”

Mr Baird is a practicing Christian and a father of three so the implications of him admitting something like this will have effect on his home life too as his children begin to grow up.

But, is his honesty refreshing? As we all know, politicians are supposed to be exemplary members of society that display correct behaviour, manners and interests but if all politicians just admitted they are human, would we have a less vile-looking political scene?

It could go two ways really… If we started to treat them as other people (just like you and I) we will begin allowing their human behaviours like the mispronunciation of a word, their admitting to drinking or other recreational activities in the past before entering politics and their sometimes brash answers to questions (here’s looking at your Jacqui Lambie!).

And on the whole, that would appear to be ok. But, the thing we don’t want to happen is that those behaviours become the norm. We don’t want out politicians to be uneducated, too wild not too brash. So is there a way we can let our politicians be more honest without blurring this very fine line?

Have your say today and tell us, is Mike Baird’s honesty refreshing? Would you prefer it if politicians kept those things to themselves? Do you think we should allow politicians to be more human, or is that too dangerous? Tell us in the comments below… 

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