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Take a trip down memory lane with these 1960s photos of the Gold Coast


The Gold Coast sure has changed a lot since the 1960s. Back then the city was hardly a city at all and more like a sleepy surf town.

The high rises that line the sky now were tiny surf shacks and families on holiday picked up dinner from the local fish and chips shop instead of one of the many fancy restaurants that line the main streets now.

These amazing photos came from amateur historian Karen Wright who started the Have You Seen The Old Gold Coast Facebook page five years ago. Now thousands of people submit their throwback snaps to her for her to share with her millions of followers.

One of the most iconic images of the 1960s and 1970s Gold Coast is that of Meter Maids wondering up and down the street, topping up the parking meters for beachgoers.

You can still see Meter Maids on the Coast these days, although their outfits seem to be a little more skimpy than their predecessors.

Barely 100,000 people lived there in the sixties and now over half a million call the city home.

It’s still a popular holiday spot for people all over Australia and has seen an influx of retirees over recent years as over 60s head north to enjoy the warmth and relaxed lifestyle.

Did you remember the Gold Coast looking like this? Where is your favourite holiday spot in Australia?

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