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Meet the world’s oldest cat, Corduroy


As all good cat owners will say, cats are the best, and tonight we have to agree! We admit to be a little biased after seeing some pictures and hearing the story of the world’s oldest cat.

While you may have or have had a puss that has lived for 13 or 14 years, Corduroy is a whopping 26 years old.

He now holds the Guinness World Record title for being the oldest living cat and we have to give him credit: he looks very young for his age.

According to his owner Ashley Reed Okura, ol’ Corduroy was adopted from a shelter in 1989. He is a half Maine Coon cat and loves being outdoors.

“He is a wonderful companion and I hope to give him a happy and healthy life for many more years, ” she added.

On top of his outdoor escapades, Corduroy loves social media, and has amassed an impressive 13,000 followers on Instagram.

“I set up Corduroy’s Instagram on August 13 last year – the same day Guinness World Records graciously announced his claim to the record of oldest living cat”, said his owner.

He also has Snapchat and Facebook and the reaction has been really positive.

“I do my best to update his followers and respond to messages and special requests”.

So what is the secret to the puss’s longevity?

“I strongly believe the key to his longevity is the fact we did not declaw him and allowed him to go outside,” said Reed to BoredPanda.

“Corduroy certainly does not act his age – he still jumps onto counters and jumps down.

“Every night, he glides up our flight of stairs and jumps onto our bed and sleeps with us before waking us up every morning around 5am.

“It is an honour to have Corduroy in our life, I honestly don’t remember much of my life without him”.

Very sweet.

Do you have a pet like Corduroy who has outlived many others?


Happy #caturday ?

A photo posted by Corduroy (@oldestlivingcat) on

“Let me out, mom.” – Corduroy #thelook #catlove #sircorduroy

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