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Daily Joke: The woodchopper

Nov 14, 2021
The log chopper came looking for work. Source: Getty Images

A log chopper came looking for a job in a lumber camp. The foreman said, “I don’t know if this is the kind of job you want; here we chop trees.”

The woodchopper said, “That’s precisely the sort of work I do.”

The foreman replied, “Okay, here’s an axe. Let’s see how long it takes you to chop down this tree here.”

The woodchopper went over to the tree and felled it with one blow.

The foreman, amazed, said, ” Okay, try that big one over there.”

The woodchopper went over to the tree. *Biff*, *Bam* In two strokes the tree was down.

“Fantastic!” cried the foreman. “Of course you are hired, but how did you ever learn to chop like that?”

“Oh,” he replied, “I’ve had plenty of practice in the Sahara Forest.”

The foreman thought for a moment. “You mean,” he said, “the Sahara Desert?”

“Oh yes,” replied the woodchopper. “That’s what they call it now!”

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