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Daily Joke: A man’s girlfriend went to New Zealand for a few days

Sep 28, 2021
"Everything will be fine, just have a great time." Source: Getty Images

A man’s girlfriend went to New Zealand for a few days with some friends. While she was away, she asked her boyfriend to look after her cat.

On the first day, the cat escaped the house. It raced across the road, was hit by a car and died instantly.

When the man’s girlfriend called and asked how the cat was going, the man lied. He didn’t want to ruin her vacation, so he told his girlfriend that the cat was fine.

Each day she called and each day the man told her the same lie when she asked about the cat.

Naturally, when she returned home the man’s girlfriend wanted to see her furry friend. Only then did the boyfriend come clean and tell her the cat had died.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to ruin your time away,” he responded.

“You could have told me gently over time,” she said.

Confused, the man asked what she meant.

“You could have told me on the first day that the cat was on the roof and you couldn’t get her down. On the second day you could have said that you got her off the roof, but that she was injured. On the third day, you could have told me that the vet said the cat was suffering worse than they thought … All would have been lies, but at least it would have cushioned the blow.”

The man apologised.

After she’d unpacked her bags, the couple were having a cup of tea when the girlfriend asked, “How’s my mother? Did you get a chance to see her in the retirement village while I was away?”

The man thought for a second and said, “She’s on the roof, and we can’t get her down.”

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