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Find your roots in the stars this June

May 26, 2016

“Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

*Finding Your Roots!*

Our “roots” are usually considered to be about family, heritage or cultural traditions – but they’re also about the foundation, centre and essence of YOU. Your emotional roots are what allow you to grow as a person, experiencing life fully and without fear. This is the month to honour the framework of who we are as well as where we came from.

Appreciating your individuality, celebrating your unique talents and building your self-esteem are all important aspects of strengthening your emotional roots. Strong roots are the basis upon which we can build greater self-confidence and accomplish our dreams. By cultivating deeper self-awareness and propagating positive self-belief, we nourish all areas of life. Grow tall, proud and vibrant!

In this Solstice month of June we are urged to focus on making our core, our personal roots, a more secure and empowered place. With inspiring Gemini and Cancer alignments urging us on, we can better connect and nurture constructive energies in our lives – with others and ourselves.

What insight can we find in the Astrological energies for the weeks ahead? Read on for your Motivational Astrology forecast for June 2016:

We start the month with a New Moon in Gemini on the 5th! The Moon, representing our feelings and family, in the sign of communications, brings a wonderful new cycle for connecting with those we care about! This is a positive time to express feelings, share thoughts and discuss plans with loved ones. As you consider the future you are also planting the seeds to signal new beginnings! It’s a lovely time to recount fond memories, reminisce about joyous occasions and be reminded of family traditions. You have much to share so give the gift of your personal wisdom to those who can benefit from it now!

On the 13th Mercury goes into Gemini. As the planet governing communications moves into its ruling sign of expressive Gemini, we’re better able to contribute our ideas, share our thoughts and advance our plans. Curiosity and the need to socialise helps us be more outgoing, with the ability to connect with new like-minded and like-hearted friends! This is your green light to speak up, be heard and discuss different views, while also enriching your self awareness. Say YES to new group activities, friendships and enriching endeavours!

Venus enters the sign of Cancer on the 18th. As the Love planet brings a greater sense of care and nurturing now, we show our concern toward others with greater devotion, affection and consideration. This is a new cycle of tenderness and romance – so open your feelings and express your heart! Beautifying your surroundings while enjoying more home harmony is emphasized. As you are inclined to give much compassion, support and comfort to those you love, make sure you are showing the same kindness to yourself!

A Full Moon in Sagittarius appears on the 20th! This represents a time of culmination, helping us to embrace the larger view of our world and discover more about ourselves and the different view points and opportunities for learning that surround us. As we open our minds to explore more broad-minded beliefs, we have greater ability to connect and communicate with others. Release now any negative emotions or inhibitions when it comes to self expression, and make room for more positive growth in our feelings and intuitive lives.

We celebrate the Solstice on the 21st. On this day we welcome the start of winter in the Southern Hemisphere and of summer in the Northern. Honour the start of this new season by enriching your connection to others, joining with those you care about and encouraging a feeling of greater nurturing all around! As we celebrate the Solstice be mindful of how you can cultivate greater feelings of support, kindness and love for those in your life – as well as for yourself!

On the 30th two events occur: Mercury goes into Cancer and Mars in Sagittarius goes Direct. This represents a time of moving forward, both emotionally and physically. We are now able to better advance our endeavours and look to the future with more assurance, inspiration and enthusiasm. Embracing a more outgoing and energetic spirit we now get past obstacles, release grudges, and mend broken bridges.  The ability to see the bigger picture and clearly envision what we want to manifest is highlighted. Better understanding of those in our lives, and positivity regarding home, family and relationships is favoured. Acknowledge your unfettered spirit now and welcome the path ahead with more confidence, inspiration and inner certainty!

All best wishes and positive energy to YOU for a Joyous June!

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