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Older female actresses like you have never seen them before


Dame Judi Dench is known as a sophisticated woman, starring in classic films like James Bond, but these old photos show a new side.

A series of photos from her youth show off her saucy side as she appears naked in ‘behind the scenes’ images.

The photos show a 34-year-old Dench acting in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and have been put on display at the Compton Varney Art Gallery, Warakshire.

She played the role of Titania in the 1968 film adaptation alongside Dame Diana Rigg and Dame Helen Mirren.

The actors images are featuring in the Shakespeare in Art exhibition which will run until the 19th of June with the images being a collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the bards death.

The stills hold a special meaning for the exhibition as they were shot on location at Compton Verney, which is just nine miles away from Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford.

Some of these images have never before been seen and Dr Steven Parissien, the Director of Compton Verney, said “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the RSC and to be able to contribute something new and original to the Shakespeare anniversary celebrations of 2016.”

Have you seen this film?

Take a look through some of the images below:

A young Judi Dench as Titania

A photo posted by @intheplastic on

Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren

Judi Dench, 1968

Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren relaxing between takes

Ian Richardson and Judi Dench

Ian Richardson and Judi Dench

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