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Creative and fun ways to up-cycle your old pillowcases


They sit there in the linen cupboard.  They are too old or tattered for use on the bed, but they are still too nice to throw them away.  What do you do?  Up-cycle them! Here are 12 great things you can do with your old pillowcases.

If you’re anything like me, you have piles of old pillowcases you’re saving for a rainy day but let’s face it: the grandkids have grown up and probably won’t all stay over at once. But wait, before you throw them out of give them away, why not attempt to repurpose them into something useful? Here’s 12 of our favourite ways. Feel free to add more in the comments, too.

1. Make an apron

Here is a simple tutorial for turning an old pillowcase into an apron, complete with pockets!

2. Drawstring laundry bag

Check out this video tutorial for turning an old pillowcase into a laundry bag:

3. Clear out cobwebs

Simply cover your broom with an old pillowcase to reach and wipe away cobwebs hanging in the far corners of your ceiling.

4. Make a shopping bag

Follow Martha Stewart’s instructions here on how to make your own shopping bag or beach bag out of a pillowcase.

5. Dust ceiling fan blades

Step on a sturdy step ladder and place an old pillowcase over one of the ceiling fan blades and slowly pull it back off again, applying slight pressure. The blades get dusted and the dust stays in the pillowcase instead of falling all over your floor.

6. Store tubes of wrapping paper

It’s just after Christmas so you no doubt have rolls of wrapping paper all over the place. Why not make a great holder for them until next time? All you need to do is sew down the middle of an old pillowcase to make compartments for storing tubes of wrapping paper and to prevent them from unravelling.

7. Use as wrapping paper

If you’ve ever had to wrap a ball or an oddly-shaped piece of art, you know ordinary wrapping paper tends to rip, tear, and generally look awful. All you have to do is place the gift in a pillowcase and tie it closed with a ribbon. If your old pillowcases are too ugly, consider tie-dying them or using stamps to improve their appearance. You can also cut them to fit if there is too much fabric.

8. Garment bags

Garment bags tend to be unsightly but they don’t have to be. Check out how to do it here.

9. Make a chew toy

Roll a polyester pillowcase lengthwise into a thin “snake” and tie three knots in it, one at each end and one in the middle. Your dog will now have a tug-of-war chew toy!

10. Make a soothing hot pack

Cut an old pillowcase into thirds, the long way. Then sew them into tubes, leaving one end open. Fill them with long cooking rice and sew up the open end. Put one in the microwave anytime you need a hot pack or give one away as a gift.

11. Adult dress

So many pillowcase clothing tutorials are for kids. Turn an old pillowcase into a great dress for you here.

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12. Pillowcase belt

Use a vintage pillowcase to create a sassy, obi-style belt like this one.

Quick tips: Use an old pillowcase to…

  • Make your own handkerchiefs or neckerchiefs
  • Make a bandana
  • Make mismatched cloth napkins
  • Cover your hot water bottle
  • Collect leaves and grass cuts
  • Make doll dresses or bedding
  • Cover your ironing board
  • Store flour
  • Make cleaning rags
  • Protect and cover your baby’s changing table
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