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Treat the most common foot problems simply and naturally


We use our feet every day to get from A to B so when we have issues, we can really feel them and take notice.

While there are all sorts of creams and medications to treat foot problems, the best way to treat anything feet related is to do it naturally, unless of course it is causing severe pain.

Here’s some natural ways to treat anything and everything:

1. Blisters

If you get blisters every time you walk in new shoes, try using clear non-chafe deodorant on the problem areas. This will create a barrier to stop rubbing.

2. Plantar warts

Thanks to apple cider vinegar’s high acidity, it easily attacks the ‘flesh’ that makes up the wart, killing the physical wart itself, and allowing it to peel naturally from the skin. This should take the virus with it, and it shouldn’t return. All you need to do is apply with a cotton pad daily and use a pumice stone to remove any dried skin so it can penetrate.

Read more: Why you should examine the bottom of your feet

3. Cracked heels

Cracked heels are a very common problem and can become inflamed and itchy. To prevent cracks from becoming deeper and more painful, try using aloe vera and turmeric together.


  1. Crush 1 tsp of basil leaves into a paste
  2. Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of cam to the gel of an aloe vera planet
  3. Mix both the basil and the turmeric mixture together and apply to your heels
  4. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off. Repeat daily as necessary.

4. Corns

Although tempting, do NOT cut corns yourself — this is a job for a professional. Find yourself a good podiatrist or chiropodist or try aspirin. It’s great for thinning blood and restricting blood vessels, which is why it works well on corns. Crush five or six aspirin tablets and mix with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water to make a paste. Rub it onto a corn or callus for a few minutes, the scrub off with pumice stone.

Another way to treat corns or calluses is using pineapple. Yep, this tasty fruit can help to soften corns and calluses. It might sound silly, but attach a sliver of pineapple rind to your corn or callous and leave overnight. Your corn will disappear within days.

5. Toenails

It can be our impulse to want to cut our toenails right off and very short, but care needs to be taken to make sure you don’t encourage ingrown toenails. Cut your nails straight across with no curves, and file downwards.

Toenails cut too short can dig into the skin, often times becoming ingrown. It’s important to cut your toenails properly, meaning cutting across in a straight line, as opposed to curved with the toe. And contrary to the old wives’ tale, you don’t need to cut a ‘V’ in the top of your nail to relieve pressure.

6. Yellow nails

Get those yellow stains off your nails by soaking your toenails in a bowl of lemon juice for 10 to 15 minutes. Use a soft toothbrush to scrub off the discolouration. Toothpaste also works well!

7. Foot odour

Another option to reduce odour is using tea bags to soak your feet. The acid in the tea leaves will help close your pores and acts as a natural antibiotic that will kill the bacteria on your feet. Boil two black tea bags to 500 ml of water. Pour the boiled tea and 1 litre of cold water to a large bowl. Let your feet soak for 20 minutes.

8. Swollen feet

A bit of salt is good for you, and is in fact needed for the body to function well. But too much salt can cause water retention and should be avoided. If you are overweight, consider losing some weight, so you reduce the pressure that is put on your muscles, joints and bones.

Read more: Nine natural ways to treat swollen feet at home

9. Tinea

If you suffer from tinea or other types of foot fungus, hydrogen peroxide can really help, due to its antifungal properties. Simply apply a mixture of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide to the areas and repeat daily.

10. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a general, loosely-used diagnosis to describe when the soft tissues in your feet are inflamed. After icing your foot for 15 minutes, find the most painful spot and rub it back and forth across the width of your foot. After the two minute massage, ice your foot for another 15 minutes. Repeat this process for each foot at least twice daily.

Tell us: what foot problems do you have and how do you treat them?


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