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Study reveals whether you should have a male or female doctor

Your better off choosing one doctor over another.

The battle of the sexes is well and truly alive after a study revealed that when it comes to treating patients, one sex is much better than the other.

A team of researchers from Harvard University have spent months looking into mortality rates in hospitals for patients over the age of 65.

What they found surprised many and has sent people around the world cheering for the ladies.

That’s right. The study found that patients treated by female doctors in hospital are less likely to die.

In fact, patients treated by women are 4 per cent less likely to pass away and have a 5 percent lower risk of being rehospitalized.

Having the right doctor is important to many of us and experts say you should shop around until you find one you feel comfortable.

So should we start factoring in the sex of our doctor when looking for a new one?

The study’s researchers certainly think so, saying the results were consistent across a variety of conditions and differences in severity of illness.

“The difference in mortality rates surprised us,” said research leader Yusuke Tsugawa.

“The gender of the physician appears to be particularly significant for the sickest patients. These findings indicate that potential differences in practice patterns between male and female physicians may have important clinical implications.”

Some people are already saying they will start bases their choice of doctor off this research and look for female doctors from now on.

Others though say it’s all about who you trust and feel comfortable with when it comes to your health.

Would you change your doctor based on these findings? Do you see a male or female doctor? Do you have a preference?

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