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Study reveals startling truth about sweeteners

Many think they're doing the right thing by adding sweeteners to their daily cuppa.

A new study has revealed the adverse effects of sweeteners on our metabolism, with researchers saying they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Many people use sweeteners as a sugar alternative in a bid to cut down on calories and control weight management.

With numerous studies over the past few years reporting on the adverse affects of sugar on our bodies, sweeteners became a natural alternative for those wanting to enjoy something sweet without the negative side effects of sugar.

However, researchers from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. have found sweeteners may actually promote fat formation in the body.

For their study, researchers looked at how low-calorie sweeteners affect the body’s metabolism and discovered they lead to a buildup of fat droplets in fat-derived stem cells.

They said it is a significant problem for people who are already obese and prone to weight gain as well as those who are pre-diabetic or diabetic.

The study’s lead researcher Dr. Sabyasachi Sen said there needs to be more investigation into the side effects of sweeteners, but that his team had concluded they contribute towards fat formation in the body.

“From our study, we believe that low-calorie sweeteners promote additional fat formation by allowing more glucose to enter the cells, and promotes inflammation, which may be more detrimental in obese individuals,” he said.

Do you use sweeteners? Do you think sugar alternatives like this are too good to be true?

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