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How to take care of your nails this winter


As the weather gets a bit cooler, you’ve likely already needed to change your skin care regime to protect it from the cold. However, what many people forget is that their nails need special care during winter as well. Besides the usual activities like washing dishes, taking hot showers and using nail polish removers, the added cold weather can additionally dry out your nails. That’s why during the winter our nails are more likely to break, chip and peel.

To prevent and stop this, we’ve put together a few ideas to get your nail health back on track.


1. Apply moisturiser regularly: keep it in different areas

This may seem obvious but hydrated hands are so important for strong and healthy nails, especially in winter. During the cooler season, your skin and nails tend to become dry, cracked and rough so moisturiser will help your skin and keep your nails protected with the nourishment they need. Make sure you rub cream into your cuticles daily too.

Keep a bottle near the kitchen sink, bathroom, and in your purse. No matter where you are, you will be able to apply moisturise. There are no excuses.


2. Use non-scented moisturiser and read the labels

The scented creams can actually dry your skin and nails so instead try a fragrance free moisturiser.


3. Soak your nails in warm water

Once a week for about 10 minutes, soak your nails in warm water. Once softened, apply cuticle oil (you can even use coconut oil) to your nails and cuticles. Then put a pair of cotton gloves on for about an hour. This will give your nails time to soak up the oil.


4. Use lip balm on your cuticles 

If your noticing that your cuticles are peeling and splitting, such as when you’re out, you can use lip balm to protect them.


5. Drink more water and stay hydrated

When nails lose their moisture they become weak causing easily damaged nails. And even though you aren’t sweating like during the summer months, it is equally important to keep hydrated during the cooler winter month.


6. Take a break from nail polish

Give your nails breathing room. Applying polish too often can cause nail discolouration so if you’re nails are more frail in winter, it may be best to avoid polish for a bit. If you love wearing nail polish just be use to use nail polish sparingly and use non-acetone remover. Acetone removers are more harsh on your nails and can be particularly drying to your nails, cuticles and skin.


7. Reconsider your diet

When all else fails, look to improve your health by eating more protein rich foods. This will help ensure your nails receive the necessary nutrients to remain strong and healthy.

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Tell us, do you have problems with your nails in the winter? What do you do the take care of them?

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