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Great appetite tips: foods that make you feel full for longer


You’ve finished dinner. Your stomach is satisfied. Your body has everything it needs. Yet the brain will still crave more for another 20 minutes. Your appetite, quite frankly, is lying to you.

But two can play at that game: with a select choice of well-timed ingredients, you can trick your appetite into working in your favour.

The following foods can all potentially help you not only eat less, but also feel satisfied for longer. Which of these have worked for you?


Protein one of the most common suggestions for curbing an appetite. A University of Missouri study found that those who ate a high-protein breakfast ultimately chose to eat much through the remainder of the day, reducing the overall calorie count.

Eggs are one of the most easy and effective ways to work this protein into your breakfast. Even a single egg – boiled, scrambled, or even thrown into a breakfast smoothie – could go a long way.


According to one promising study, eating an apple half an hour before your meal – ideally whole – will significantly curb your appetite. It also takes long enough to eat that the digestive system will have a great head start.

Chilli / chilli powder

The extra kick of a hot chilli will get your metabolism racing, according to Maastricht University researchers. The study found that just a quarter of a teaspoon of chilli powder could be enough to help you keep your appetite under control.


Love it or hate it, celery is famously low on calories. Mayo Clinic suggests it as a relatively safe, low-consequence way to help fill the stomach.


The Nutrition Journal found that adding half a hass avocado to your meal will help the feeling of a satisfied appetite linger longer for the following 3-5 hours. However, the avocado does add extra calories to the meal, so as with any added ingredient, it’s important to balance the pros and cons.

Dark chocolate

Great news: chocolate is now an acceptable entree! Eating a little coca-rich chocolate before a meal can help reduce your cravings for sugar and salt, meaning you could ultimately wind up consuming fewer calories.


A regular supply of drinking water throughout the day is important for the body on just about every level. Here’s one more reason to keep it coming: studies have shown it to be one of the simplest ways to suppress the appetite. Try drinking two glasses shortly before your meal.


What foods, drinks or tricks have you used to keep your appetite under control? Has it worked for you? 

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