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Coconut oil: One of natures best remedies


Coconut oil has been a favourite of the older generation for years, but over time have you forgotten just how good this household staple can be? The smell of coconut oil takes me back to the 80s when it was widely used as a tanning product.  Then sunscreen  with higher factors was properly introduced and skin cancer saw the smell disappear almost.


In the last 20 years coconut oil was banished by many who saw it as an unhealthy saturated fat, but it is inappropriate to throw coconut oil in the same category as butter or margarine because as a healthy oil it has much more going for it.  The saturates fats in coconut oil come from medium chain triglycerides that are much more easily put to work by the body than other fats.  The end result is that a diet of coconut oil can boost your energy levels, raise your good cholesterol levels and help to balance out your blood sugar.

So what are some of the best uses for coconut oil?

Wrinkles: Rub coconut oil into lines, creases and wrinkles to rehydrate skin and soften wrinkles away

Lip Balm: Coconut oil hydrates and protects your lips, and even offers some natural sun protection, apparently at about an SPF4

Cold Sore Treatment: Coconut oil has antiviral properties that will help the body get rid of the cold sore virus symptoms.  Combine it with a drop of oregano oil to speed healing

Massage oil: Coconut oil soothes tired and sore muscles.  Cleanser: Coconut Oil can be used as a gentle skin cleanser, a bit like you would a cream cleanser.

Removing Chewing Gum: Coconut oil gets chewing gum out of hair, carpet, and other places it shouldnt be.

Stretch Marks: Many of us used it during pregnancy to soften the belly and avert stretch marks

Lice: Coconut oil will suffocate lice

Dandruff: Massage coconut oil into your scalp to ease dandruff symptoms.

Appetite Suppression: Take a tablespoon of coconut oil before a meal to curb your appetite so you don’t overeat.

Ring worm: Rub coconut oil into the affected area to kill the fungus that causes ringworm.  Add tea tree oil to have it act even faster.

Earaches and Swimmers Ear: Earaches and swimmers ear will clear up quickly if you put a couple of drops of coconut oil in the ear mixed with garlic oil.

Cradle cap: Coconut oil is gentle enough to use on an infants head to treat cradle cap

Age spots: Coconut oil has a powerful capability to fade age spots and skin blemishes.

Conditioner: Coconut oil strengthens, repairs and smoothes hair.  Massage it in and rinse it out after 10 minutes.  a small amount can be rubbed in dry hair to tame frizz.

Furniture polish: Coconut oil makes a beautiful and fragrant polish for furniture.  Test it on a small square before you use it everywhere.

Eczema: Coconut oil reduces the itch, pain and dryness of eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

Chicken Pox: Ease the itch and encourage the healing of chicken pox sores with dabs of coconut oil.  This also works on mozzie bites and other insect stings or bites.

Haemorrhoids: Coconut oil eases the pain and discomfort of haemorrhoids and encourages healing, apply topically.

Acid Reflux: Take a small spoonful to keep reflux and acid at bay.

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Urinary Tract: Treat UTIs with a small spoonful of coconut oil.  It may even ease the pain of kidney stones.

Alzheimers: some research points to coconut oil as a product that may slow the progression of Alzheimers and dementia

Epilepsy: Coconut oil may reduce the incidence of epileptic seizures

Bones: Coconut oil assists the body in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

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