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Can this simple supplement really improve heart health?


Nearly everybody in the Starts at 60 community has lost somebody, somewhere along the line, to cardiovascular disease. And with heart-related illnesses claiming another Australian every twelve minutes, it’s hard not to worry about this looming health risk.

Yet the smallest changes – a lifestyle adjustment here, a supplement there – can often be enough to reduce the risks. Sometimes the biggest challenge is simply sorting the facts from the fiction.

Olive leaf extract has gotten significant media attention over the last few years. Traditionally used to fight the common cold and improve the immune function, more and more reports are suggesting it could help against cardiovascular disease.

Where does olive leaf extract fit onto the spectrum between hard science and unreliable myth?

New research, published by the European Journal of Nutrition in March 2016, reveals that olive leaf extract can make a potentially life-changing difference, helping to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in study participants.

Participants who took olive leaf extract every day over the six-week-study fared measurably better on both fronts than those who took a placebo. The effect of olive leaf extract on blood pressure may be associated with a 9-14% reduction in cardiovascular risk, making it a useful addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. People with elevated blood pressure or cholesterol levels should speak to their healthcare professional about taking olive leaf extract daily.“This research shows that regular use of a widely available supplement can have a measurable, positive impact on cardiovascular health,” said Professor Ian Rowland, who co-authored the study.

While previous studies have already shown a very positive reduction of risk in the short-term, this new study confirms these benefits can continue in the long term, making it an enormously useful addition to a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise regime.

Despite being a relatively small supplement to an existing diet, the health benefits can well and truly add up over time. Even a tiny reduction in diastolic blood pressure (2mmHg) can lead to a 6-7% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease – and a 10-15% reduction in the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Interested in trying it for yourself?

At Starts at 60, we wholeheartedly encourage our community to explore the best ways to proactively stay on top of their heart health. If you’re concerned about your blood pressure, it’s now easier than ever to take action through simple, natural, evidence-based means.

Starts at 60 has partnered with Comvita, Australia’s leading manufacturer of olive leaf extract, to offer a special discount to help you get started.

Simply visit their online store, type SAS20 at checkout to get 20 per cent off your order.

Comvita’s Olive Leaf Extract has been specially formulated to deliver the high intake of olive leaf phenolics needed to help maintain a healthy heart, making it a great starting point in taking control of your long-term health.

Click here to learn more about this important supplement, or here to order directly online. (Be sure to enter the code SAS20 (all capitals) at checkout for an exclusive Starts at 60 discount on the full olive leaf range!)

Note: you must register on the Comvita website to be able to apply the coupon code.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

 This post is sponsored by Comvita and written independently by the Starts at 60 editorial team. It was written as we believe it delivers important insights on a health topic extremely important to the Starts at 60 community. For more information, please visit the Comvita website.


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