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A new study confirms spice really is the key to life


According to a new study of the United States not only is eating spicy food tasty but it could actually help you live longer. Researchers at the University of Vermont conducted a study into the consumption of spicy food. The results indicated that people that consume a diet high in red chilli peppers had reduced chances of death from heart disease or stroke by up to 13-percent.

The study was conducted over 23 years and examined the diets of over 16,000 people. Those who ate a large amount of chilli were also found to eat more vegetables and meats than those that didn’t eat spicy food.

While the science behind why it helps fight against heart disease and stroke is still be studied, the theory is that it has to do with the principal component of chilli peppers called capsaicin. They believe that capsaicin has an antimicrobial effect on the gut of those that consume it that allows some usual nasties from entering the system.

Other reasons that chillies are good for you is that they are a great source of vitamin-C, vitamin-A, and a group of antioxidants that help the body’s fight against free radicals. Chillies also contain minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium as well as containing no cholesterol.

Not only do chillies add flavour and a spicy kick to your foods in their many forms, dried or fresh, but they can also provide many health benefits. The only thing they are not good for is accidently touching your eyes after handling them…a lesson I learned once the hard way.

Do you eat a lot of chilli in your diet? Is it something that you stay away from? Will this news encourage you to add a little spice to your meals? Add your comments below as we would love to hear from you.

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